Bookshelf One Woman Farm: My Life Shared with Sheep, Pigs, Chickens, Goats, and a Fine Fiddle
One Woman Farm: My Life Shared with Sheep, Pigs, Chickens, Goats, and a Fine Fiddle
By Jenna Woginrich (Storey Publishing, 2013) Buy It NowIf you’ve ever dreamed about chucking city life and going back to the land, meet Jenna Woginrich. The urban Web designer turned Washington County homesteader has chronicled her lifestyle transformation in a blog and three earlier books. Now she describes her first year on a solo farm of her own, interleaving spirited journal entries with Dibben’s lovely drawings. Getting up before dawn in subzero weather and attending to the funkier aspects of animal husbandry may not be everyone’s fantasy, but Woginrich traces the season cycles and daily rhythms of farm life in such crystalline prose that you may find yourself wanting to pick up a pitchfork, knit homegrown wool, and teach yourself fiddle tunes.